Citizens of God’s Kingdom

Beth Derech prepares students to become citizens of God's Kingdom by integrating faith-based principles into every aspect of their education and development.

1. Faith-Centered Curriculum

Biblical Integration: The curriculum incorporates Biblical teachings and Christian values across subjects, helping students understand how their faith intersects with academic knowledge and daily life.

Scripture Studies: Regular Bible classes and scripture memorization deepen students' understanding of God’s Word and its application in their lives.

2. Spiritual Formation

Character Development: Emphasis is placed on virtues such as love, kindness, honesty, and humility, which are modeled by teachers and reinforced through classroom activities and discussions.

Prayer and Worship: Daily prayer and worship sessions cultivate a personal relationship with God and encourage students to develop a heart of gratitude and devotion.

3. Service and Outreach

Community Service: Students are involved in service projects and outreach activities that embody Christian teachings about helping others, fostering empathy, and making a positive impact in the community.

Mission Opportunities: Opportunities for local and global missions are provided, allowing students to live out their faith and contribute to spreading the Gospel.

4. Moral and Ethical Guidance

Biblical Ethics: Instruction in Biblical ethics helps students navigate moral and ethical dilemmas with a foundation in Christian principles, preparing them to make decisions that align with God's will.

Conflict Resolution: Training in conflict resolution and reconciliation is based on Christian teachings, promoting forgiveness and peacemaking.

5. Community and Fellowship

Christian Community: The school fosters a supportive Christian community where students build relationships with peers and mentors who share and reinforce their faith values.

Mentorship: Teachers and staff act as spiritual mentors, guiding students in their personal and spiritual growth.

6. Leadership and Responsibility

Leadership Development: Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the school and in community activities, with an emphasis on servant leadership as taught by Christ.

Responsibility and Stewardship: Lessons on stewardship teach students to manage their resources, time, and talents responsibly, reflecting Christian principles of stewardship and accountability.

7. Holistic Education

Integrated Learning: The school’s approach to education is holistic, addressing intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social development, ensuring that students grow into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to live out their faith in all areas of life.

Role Modeling: Faculty and staff serve as role models of Christian living, demonstrating how to live out one's faith in everyday situations.

Through these strategies, a Christian school equips students to understand their identity as citizens of God's Kingdom, encouraging them to live with purpose, faithfulness, and compassion in all aspects of their lives.