Fruit That Lasts for Eternity

Fruit That Lasts for Eternity

Sending your child to a Christian school is one of the most important choices you can make for their future because it provides an educational environment that integrates academic learning with faith-based values. This holistic approach fosters not only intellectual growth but also moral and spiritual development, helping children build a strong foundation of character and integrity. In a Christian school, students are encouraged to explore their faith, engage in community service, and develop a sense of purpose that aligns with their values. This nurturing environment prepares them to navigate life's challenges with resilience and a clear ethical compass, setting them up for both personal and academic success in a way that aligns with their family’s beliefs and values.

“We had always planned to homeschool our children. We believed that sort of environment and learning would be the very best for our family. During our first year of homeschooling, it became increasingly apparent that running a business while managing the school day was not working. We knew we needed a change, but none of our options seemed to fit with our family values. When a spot at Beth Derech opened up, we knew immediately that this was where our children belonged. The support given to our family by the school has far exceeded academics. We have seen them begin to experience the love of Jesus through the relationship they are building with their teacher and peers. It brings us such peace knowing our children will be sharpened and encouraged to become more like Christ each day while receiving a quality education. We could not be more thankful to Beth Derech and look forward to seeing our children continue to flourish there!”

Sheldon Family

“Our sons have attended Beth Derech for several years now, and we couldn’t be any more grateful. The education they are receiving is beyond what we could have imagined. They are learning Hebrew and Greek, Christian-founded history and science, logic, and ethnology on top of regular academics. As wonderful as the education part has been, the Christian discipleship has even surpassed that. The Christian attributes and characteristics that have been cultivated have overflowed into our home. It has been such a blessing to know that the truth of scripture is being taught and also lived out and used as the guide to work through different daily tasks or problems they may encounter. As parents, we are still amazed years later by the goodness of God through this school.”

Kathy Newcombe

“The impact of Beth Derech school on our lives is truly significant. It's remarkable to see the solid foundation our children are building in Christianity. They come home every day with something new to share, which is both heartwarming and inspiring. The diverse subjects like Christian studies, Ethnology, Greek, Hebrew, and scripture memorization contribute to their well-rounded education. Additionally, the lifelong connections with Christian families we've formed are deeply meaningful to us, creating a supportive community that we greatly appreciate. We hope the blessings of this school will continue for many generations to come.”

Beach Family

“the conception and continuous growth of Beth Derech School has done amazing things in my family’s lives. Before Beth Derech was started my family was your average American who believed in Christ. We attended church when we weren’t too tired, prayed when we needed it, and thanked God for only His interventions. Our children’s school plans were unknown, with limited options that we felt were not the best.

When we had heard about the starting of Beth Derech, we had prayed for guidance and answers. We still had our reservations even though this was the option put forth by God in answering our prayers. Jumping in with both feet was the only way to go after finally listening to God, leading to be one of our best decisions ever for our children and family. Beth Derech has not only taught our children the essentials of schooling but has also taught them to be followers of Christ. Beth Derech has also taught them how to use the Bible in everyday life to make important decisions. The commitment needed to raise our children in Christ has made our family true Christ followers. Putting Christ at the center of our lives has made all the difference in every way we live, give and receive His blessings. We have also seen how His change in our lives has changed our extended family’s lives. We have also gained a family in Christ that continues to push and encourage us to remain steadfast in our love for God. The support system we have from Christ through Beth Derech has undoubtedly been a miracle that we need. From a learning institution standpoint it is undoubtedly the best option in our area for Christ, but that is only the surface. In all of this, we give thanks to God and cherish every blessing He has given us.”

Wise Family